Youthlinc is conducting our second “Love Service Challenge,” from February 8-14. We want to encourage all Youthlincers, past, and present to spread love through service this February. Participate in our daily challenge and spread your love of service to others and on social media for a wave of positivity.
Participating in the Youthlinc Love Service Challenge will earn you miscellaneous service hours if you are in the Youthlinc Service Year!

“Utah Food Bank provides free, monthly food assistance to homebound people with disabilities and seniors living in poverty, delivered right to the client’s home. Each food box contains approximately one week’s worth of non-perishable food, plus as much fresh food as available.
Last year, 9,550 of these food boxes were delivered—primarily by caring volunteers—who were often some of the few visitors these clients received. Utah Food Bank is often the recipient of “luxury” items such as fresh flowers and even pet food that, when delivered, make life just a little nicer for these homebound clients.”
-Utah Food Bank
- Decorate a box for senior citizens: Stop by Youthlinc from 9-5 to decorate a box, or pick one up to take home and decorate!
- Volunteer to Deliver Food Boxes
- Contact your local food bank to see how you can help or donate

“There are approximately 65,000 refugees living in Utah. COVID has impacted the community largely, and they are in need of supplies. Make a monetary donation to support refugees in staying healthy and participating in their schoolwork.
Donations will be used to purchase a face mask, hand sanitizer, and chrome books. Click the link to donate via Paypal.”
- Skip the drive-through and donate $5 towards Utah Refugee Connection’s COVID supplies and essentials drive to support the refugee population.

“The more books a student has in their home, the better their literacy scores are. Donate to our Read Across America book fund to help bring books for classrooms and students to help spark their joy of reading.”
- Bring any children’s books to the Youthlinc Office to go towards United Way’s “Read Across America” book drive.
- Complete a Global Citizen Read-A-Loud Recording to be used in teaching children to read.
- Donate to United Ways Book Fund

“Random Acts inspire many amazing things around the world every day — from small acts of kindness, such as inspiring someone to buy a stranger a cup of coffee, to much bigger acts of kindness like building a school in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.
All of these acts of kindness contribute to a bigger story, a message that Random Acts embodies and promotes — that you too can conquer the world one random act of kindness at a time.”
Find a way to serve those around you!
- Pay for the person behind you in the drive-through
- Offer to get a neighbors groceries, or run errands
- Donate to your favorite charity
- Donate Blood
- Random Acts of Kindness | Kindness Ideas
- RA_Toolkit_DoingServiceFromHome.pdf (
- Kindness Ideas | Random Acts

“Many people are unable to find clean masks to wear during the pandemic. It is important that we find ways to get everyone a clean mask.”
- Make masks: Stop by Youthlinc from 9-5 to help make masks.
- Donate extra masks to the Youthlinc Office to be given to vulnerable populations like the homeless population or medical providers in need of masks.

“Loneliness and isolation can lead to serious health challenges if left unresolved. Virtual contact may not replace a hug or holding a small hand in yours, but it can help you stay in touch with your loved ones while protecting your health and theirs.”
-Providence Medical Systems
Find a way to help senior citizens today!
- Make a valentine and send it to a nursing home or relative.
- Call your grandparents to let them know you are thinking about them
- Check on an elderly neighbor to see if they need help with any tasks.

With social distancing during the pandemic, we have lost touch with some of our friends and family. Heart attack a neighbor or friend with paper hearts, valentine cards, or chalk to let them know they are loved.
Participating in the Youthlinc Love Service Challenge will earn you miscellaneous service hours if you are in the Youthlinc Service Year! You can log hours for as long as it took you to complete the task. For service that is completed through donations, you can log .5 hours for every $5 donation up to $20 for 2 hours total. Hours will be approved by Shannon, Youthlinc’s Local Service Director, so use as the verification email in the local service directory.
For every post on social media during the challenge, you will be entered into a drawing for vouchers from Chick-fil-A, or Ruby Snap!
We will be drawing 30 winners!!
Here are the requirements:
- Post about your service on Facebook or Instagram
- Follow and Tag @youthlinc