By: Brayden Davies

On Saturday, January 11th we had our 7th annual Youthlinc-wide committee training at Juan Diego Catholic High School. Being able to see our 400+ participants together in the auditorium to start the meeting just goes to show and remind us how many like-minded individuals there are, right here in our own community. We started the training with a general session where we heard about the official kick-off of our Big Brothers Big Sisters clothing drive, and the Show-Us-Your-Bags social media challenge! We also discussed the upcoming travel clinic, which is another reminder that summer and our trips are just around the corner!

After the general session, everyone broke out into their own team meetings, where they were able to discuss a little bit more about what they want to accomplish in-country, as well as catch up on what everyone is doing for their local service, fundraising, and clothing collection game plan. Assistant Team Leaders organized all sorts of games to help their team connect better, as well as spark fun discussions about experiences that they are having as Youthlinc participants. We saw some teams in the halls running around in a circle sharing similarities, while others were talking more personally in small groups about their experiences.

Following team meetings, everyone broke out into their assigned committees for the committee breakout session. These sessions were led by committee experts, people who have been a part of the committee numerous times and often have work experience in the area as well. Conversations covered topics such as sewing, environmental best practices, The 4 P’s of marketing, STEM education, and even areas such as anatomy and basic health.

Thank you to everyone who made this committee training the success it was! Special thanks to our staff who helped plan the meeting, Jordan Taylor and Jill Bawden; our committee breakout experts, Jill Whitney (Community Health), Stacy Nisogi (Cultural), Miriam Barth (Business), Lori Nickerson (Education), Henry Lachowski (Environmental), and Garet Garcia and Joanie Moss (Vocational); and Juan Diego Catholic High School for providing such a great venue. To learn more about Youthlinc’s committee work, click here.

January Committee Training Recap
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