By: Jackie Moynihan

There are so many amazing organizations in our community that make what we do at Youthlinc possible. Today, we would like to take a minute to highlight one of those organizations, Juan Diego Catholic High School. 


Juan Diego has been the generous host of our annual Service Year General Orientation for the past four years. This event marks the beginning of a new adventure for about 500 Service Year participants, both students and adults. The staff at Juan Diego has always been incredibly accommodating to our unique needs, and is just as eager to host a successful event as we are.


Juan Diego is passionate about instilling a love of service in their students, just like Youthlinc. Each January, every senior at Juan Diego takes a week off of school to volunteer at community organizations throughout the Salt Lake Area. They call this their Senior Service Week. Youthlinc has been a partner organization for the Senior Service Week from its inception. 


Throughout the first week of January, a group of about 10-15 Juan Diego students take part in our Real Life program, an after school peer-mentoring program for refugee and immigrant teens in Salt Lake. They are responsible for preparing and running a week worth of activities for one or more of our Real Life sites. It has been so rewarding to see the students take ownership of their projects and make real connections with the population they’re serving.


We are so grateful for the support of the teachers, administration, and students at Juan Diego. Juan Diego students have made up a large percentage of participants in our flagship program, the Service Year for the past several years. Without the support of the Juan Diego faculty and staff, we wouldn’t be able to spread the word about our programming. Each year, as we recruit for the Service Year, they are more than willing to allow us to present to their students.

Juan Diego Catholic High School Partnership
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