Service doesn’t always have to be a massive project with months of prep, volunteers, and funds. Often, the greatest acts of service are simple and spontaneous. Here at Youthlinc, we highly emphasize the deep importance of serving locally. Service truly is one of the deepest acts of love because it shows an awareness for those that are special to you or simply around you. Have you ever just opened the door for a mother trying to wrangle her kids? Or hugged your sibling because of how grateful you are to have them in your life? We are all beings powered by love, it is truly the source and connection within us all. As we go throughout February, we want to invite you to be more aware of how you can individually spread the love that you hold within you. Make it unique! Smile brighter, hug longer, write little notes and leave them around… it’s the small acts of love and service that keep us moving forward and growing together.

Here’s some suggestions to spark that creativity and excitement to spread a little love this month

  1. Make seed bombs! –
  2. Help a Senior Citizen! – Make a valentine and send it to a nursing home or relative. 
    – Call your grandparents to let them know you are thinking about them
    – Check on an elderly neighbor to see if they need help with any tasks. 
    – Volunteer with Cyber-Seniors – Cyber-Seniors Inc. (
    – 820 Fidget Quilt Ideas | fidget quilt, fidget blankets, fidgets (
  3. Skip the drive through and donate to an animal shelter!
  4. Donate a book to support reading literacy
  5. Volunteer at a Food Bank
  6. Other miscellaneous random acts of service:


Love Service 2024
Spread the love

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