What is Mondo Art?

The Mondo Art Project was created to connect children all over the world through the universal language of art. The goal is to give children from all countries, cultures and backgrounds a voice – a chance to tell their story and communicate with other children through a medium that transcends language barriers. The Mondo Art Project consists of two activities: the drawing project exchange and creating murals.

Mondo Art Lesson

  1. Ask the group what languages they can speak (make a list on the board). Get as many teens to share what they can speak as possible (including peer mentors).
  2. Ask the question: “Can you think of a language that everyone in the entire world can use to communicate?” Let the teens share ideas about what that could be. Answers could include such things as English, Math … and then possibly Art.
  3. Explain that Art is a language that we can use to express ourselves. When others see our art, they do not need words to understand the message.
  4. Explain that today we will be working on an art project that Youthlinc will take to eight different countries this summer (Peru, Guatemala, Kenya, Madagascar, Cambodia, Thailand, Nepal and Fiji). Your shared art will help these students understand more about you and your life.
  5. For the remainder of the hour, we will do our best work to create this artwork. We will take this art as a gift to each of the different countries that we serve.
  6. Ask students to “Send a message about their life” through their art.

What Team Leaders Need to Do 

  • Make sure the person assigned over Mondo Art has attended one of the Real Life lessons – an email with possible dates will be sent out the end of April.
  • If the people over Mondo Art cannot attend a Real Life Training, have them contact Melissa, (melissa@youthlinc.org) for a training.
  • Make sure your Mondo Art book gets to your country. Following the Mondo Art lesson, present this book as a gift.
  • Have the person assigned over Mondo Art hand you all artwork from this project upon completion of the lesson.
  • The Team Leader is responsible to get this artwork back to our office. This will be one of your check-off items.
Mondo Art
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