In an effort to spread the word about Youthlinc and the Service Year program, we decided to get the help of some stellar Youthlinc alums. We are so excited to introduce the following 9 individuals who have been selected as Recruitment Interns this year.

Lars Bergstrom, East High School
I love to be active in my community and in anything I do, I find that I always succeed if I have a team to work with. Ever since I went to Cambodia with Youthlinc in 2019, I’ve been hooked on the feeling that local and international service gives me.

Erin Stella, University of Utah
My name is Erin Stella. I am currently a senior at the University of Utah. I will be graduating at the end of the fall semester with my bachelor’s degree so that’s exciting! In my free time I like playing with my dog, getting outdoors, going to local coffee shops, and of course spending time with friends and family. I got involved with Youthlinc back in 2015. My first trip was to Madagascar which was also the first team that visited Madagascar. My second trip was the following service year, and I returned as an Alum Leader on the Nepal team. I have loved every part of being involved with Youthlinc from local service at Real Life to my international trips. I’m grateful for this opportunity and to be involved with Youthlinc again!

Lilly Samples, Northridge High School
My name is Lilly Samples. I am going to be a junior at Northridge High School. I got into Youthlinc by a friend taking me to a dinner night and I got interested and applied for the service year. I will be going to Peru (hopefully) this December.

Avery Timmerman, Olympus High School
Hi, my name is Avery Timmmerman! I’m going to be a senior at Olympus high this school year and I am way excited to talk about Youthlinc and get down under what makes Youthlinc so special in my heart!! I’m also super excited about being an intern for Youthlinc. I love everything Youthlinc stands for and I can’t wait to talk about how great the organization is!

Kodie Osterberg, Utah State University
My name is Kodie Osterberg and I am currently at Utah State University, studying Business Administration. I have also been a dancer for 19 years and am currently teaching dance at a local studio. Other hobbies of mine outside of dance are snowboarding, hiking, wakeboarding, and any other outdoor activity.
I joined Youthlinc in 2018 and went to Thailand. I enjoyed every moment of this experience. Not only the international service but the local service as well. During my experience with Youthlinc, I realized how much a lot of people take for granted. I returned home and appreciated every little thing I had a lot more than I ever did in the past. The Thai people taught me many life lessons and ones I would have never been taught without this unique experience.
I am excited to be joining the 2020-2021 service year as a recruitment intern. Working with others has always been something I loved. I am excited to get to know the other interns, Youthlinc staff, and the other people I will meet throughout the recruitment process. I am excited to continue to learn, grow, and experience all the opportunities that come my way during this experience.

Emma Spilker, Hillcrest High School
Hey I’m Emma Spilker I’m a senior at Hillcrest High School. I went to Nepal in 2019 and it was a life changing experience for me. I was supposed to go to Peru in 2020, but because of Corona I chose to postpone. I’m really excited to be a Youthlinc intern and have an opportunity to go on another adventure with Youthlinc.

Alexandra Solum, Park City High School
My name is Alexandra Solum and I am a senior at Park City High School. I went on a trip in 2019 to Fiji. I was supposed to be an Alum on a Peru trip this summer.

Oscar Young, Judge Memorial Catholic High School
My name is Oscar, I have been on two youthlinc trips Peru and Madagascar. I am 17 years old and I will be a senior at Judge Memorial. Youthlinc impacted me by making a difference in the world, I loved the whole program as a whole because I got to get out of my comfort zone and met new people and made new friends along the way.