Jordan has been involved in Youthlinc since 2013. Since then she has been involved in 10 Youthlinc Trips. She started as a humanitarian going to Kenya in 2013 and since then hasn’t been able to walk away from Youthlinc. She has been apart of the service year at each of our International destinations and can’t wait to keep adding more in the future. One of her favorite things about Youthlinc is their commitment to work with and follow up with communities to understand their needs and wants. We really listen and do our best to meet their expectations and provide support for the amazing programs and development they have in place. Jordan is thrilled to continue to develop and grow the partnerships we have around the World as the International Service Director.
Service has embedded itself in her life both Locally and Internationally. She has always had amazing examples of service in her family and was raised to watch for a need and to act. Youthlinc opened so many doors to other service opportunities and now she gets to be involved in even more with friends and family. It has continually taught her not only about herself but about communities and the world around her. Jordan’s favorite part of the service year is the relationship you can build with those you are working with both on your team and in the communities we serve. She believes that service brings people together and celebrates differences and change. The best way to see the world is to work hard side by side with the people of it to make it a little better.
Out of the office you will probably catch Jordan either outside, or gathered around a table playing board games with Friends and Family.