Peru Impact Report

Youthlinc is launching a different type of Service Year trip to Cambodia this summer. It has a focus on elephant and ecological conversation, mixed in with our traditional committee work in community health, education, & cultural exchange. The team will
What is Mondo Art? The Mondo Art Project was created to connect children all over the world through the universal language of art. The goal is to give children from all countries, cultures and backgrounds a voice – a chance
By: Justin Powell All of us are ready to connect with others, travel, and have some fun. But we also want to do it safely and make sure we put the pandemic firmly behind us. The past 14 months at
By: Shelly Burningham Human beings are diverse in many ways. We come from different lifestyles, religions, gender, race, and nationalities. Despite those differences, we all feel joy and pain. Youthlinc has given me the opportunity to understand the world better.
By: Joji Raqio As a teacher at Mataso Primary School here in the Fiji Islands we were fortunate to have formed a wonderful relationship with this amazing organization. They first came to our school in 2018 and we have been
By: Tong Quang Nam I am Nam. I am writing this to send my great thanks to the organization for helping Buoc village’s residents recover and improve their living standards. As a person who has spent years in Buoc village
By Taylor Ostmark The Youthlinc Service Year is a unique experience for high school and college aged students to immerse themselves in the world of service. Youthlinc’s mission is to create lifetime humanitarians. Through the 9 month program, participants in
How does Youthlinc choose a new site? IN-COUNTRY COORDINATORS Youthlinc partners with local NGO’s and Rotary clubs in-country to ensure our work will benefit the overall community in a positive way. Partners are vetted out and have stellar reputations for