Every year Youthlinc partners with the University of Utah Hospital Travel Clinic. Together we provide an opportunity for any participants traveling internationally, as part of our Service Year program, to attend the U of U Travel Clinic. Visiting a travel clinic allows you to prepare and review how to travel abroad safely with a medical professional. Prior to traveling internationally, especially for the first time, a visit to your local travel clinic is a crucial step to maintaining your health throughout your trip. Their goal is for you to walk out of the clinic with confidence, resources and proper vaccines/medication ready to embark on your trip safely.
Why is it important to visit a Travel Clinic prior to your departure:
- Travel clinics can provide you with the most current recommendations for Immunizations. When you travel you may come into contact with disease that are much more common where you are traveling, having the proper vaccines can help give you necessary protection
- Travel Clinics can give you prescriptions for the important medication that can both prevent and treat illnesses that may occur while you are abroad. Medications vary from patient to patient and every region you are traveling. It is important to work one on one with a Travel or infectious disease specialists to find the best plan of action for your personal needs.
- Travel Clinics can educate you on food and water safety at your destination. It is important to put yourself on track to prevent illness, one major caution should be what you are putting in your body. Making sure your food has properly been prepared and handled, can go a long way to avoid contamination with a number of diseases and illnesses.
- Travel Clinics can also discuss safe travel habits with you. Making smart decisions will help ensure your safety in a foreign country. While your trip should be enjoyable you still need to proceed with caution.
Tips for Traveling Healthy Tips for Youthlinc Service Year: Traveling-Healthy.pdf (youthlinc.org)
Youthlinc is especially grateful for Medical professionals, Nicholas Snow, Christie Kelts, and Ashley Swanson for being the driving force behind the scenes and the entire travel clinic staff who are dedicated to keeping you safe and healthy. Please consider contacting the U of U or other local Travel clinic whether you are traveling with Youthlinc or on your own. They are eager to see you before your trip so they don’t have to see you after your trip.