What is CONNECT?
Utah high school clubs and organizations often engage in service projects to bring their group together in uplifting ways that also supports the community.
Any club advisor or student leader knows that is easier said than done.
That is where Youthlinc’s new local service program, Youthlinc CONNECT, comes in. CONNECT organizes local service projects for high school clubs and groups. We aim to offer this as a free service to youth service clubs.
CONNECT will organize projects for small, medium, and large groups. Service projects can be done at Youthlinc’s offices, on-site at schools, or with over 250 community organizations and nonprofits throughout Utah with whom we already partner.
But this program does not stop there. Although we desire to offer this as a free service to high school clubs, CONNECT will also be available to businesses, professional associations, and other entities would like to engage in group service projects for a small fee.
We are all part of a communities—teams, clubs, a grade level, a church group, a staff, a family. There is value in being a part of a community and additional value in connecting these smaller communities so we can understand and support each other in mutually beneficial ways.
CONNECT is named for the core concepts we develop among youth through local service: connecting Community, creating Opportunity, Necessary action, being Nimble and adaptable, cultivating Empathy, Collaborating as partners, and Transforming into lifetime humanitarians. Youthlinc’s mission is to create lifetime humanitarians.
Projects include supporting: refugees, impoverished communities abroad, the homeless population, the food insecure, the elderly, medical workers, people with chronic illness, people with disabilities, youth mentoring programs, to name a few.
If you are a part of a club, a business, church group, or other association and are interested in working with CONNECT to organize a group service activity, follow this link get started.