When I was 13, I had an incredible opportunity. I was invited to go with a group about my same age to make about 200 burritos for the homeless people in downtown Salt Lake City. I remember having 3 burritos
Dancing Moose Takes on Peru!
Dancing Moose is a Montessori school based in Utah. Personally I had not heard of Montessori before this trip, so here’s a little definition. Montessori education is based on the belief that all children are unique individuals, that they all
GCL and USU Outdoor Programs in Nepal
Youthlinc’s Global Community Leadership (GCL) piloted a new program this summer and recently returned from an inspiring two-week expedition in the Langtang National Park, Nepal. This immersive study abroad program, a collaboration between Youthlinc, Utah State University Outdoor Programs (OP),
Cuba My Brother, America My Mother – Henry Hallock
Henry Hallock, a member of our Cuba GCL team, wrote this incredible article on Substack of his experience. Read a quick excerpt below and click here to read the full article! “Time has both flown and stood still. It’s crazy
Meet Saif – A Fellow from Jordan!
Hello, I’m Saif Na’amneh, from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, I’m so excited to be with Youthlinc this Summer through the US – Jordan Leadership Exchange Program fellowship for 4 weeks. US – Jordan Leadership Exchange Program (UJLEP) supports a new generation
Meet Our 2024 Young Humanitarian Scholarship Winners!
It’s evident that scholarships are mostly offered to students who succeed in sports and academics, however, we are so happy to award these amazing students for their service and humanitarian efforts. For 19 years, we have been able to offer
Meet Our 2024 Real Life Scholarship Winners
Real Life was born in 2010 through the leadership of Ellie Seaborn, Youthlinc employee at the time, who through her service in the community identified the need to support refugee youth in Salt Lake. Through a partnership with Domoina Kendell
Marlie Bergstrom’s Future Education was Impacted by Youthlinc
Hey! I’m Marlie Bergstrom and I’m so excited to be the ATL for team Peru this Summer. I’ve been involved with Youthlinc since 2020 when I was a Freshman in High School! I’m graduating this year and I couldn’t be
Big Brothers Big Sisters Clothing Drive Recap!
Karen’s Healthy Travel Tips for this Summer
Who wants to get sick on their trip this summer? No one ever in the history of Youthlinc! And you don’t have to. Here are some tips to prevent that very thing while you are overseas. We all know not